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Welcome, I’m


Bsc (Hons), Natural Sciences (Open);

PGCertEd, Physics and Mathematics;

QTS; MCCT; MCybS; PGCert (Autism);

Teacher, Researcher, Advisor & SEND advocate


Hello and welcome to 'Adventures in Autism', an ongoing blog and personal website dedicated to myself (how narcissistic!) and my experiences both living with Autism, and researching Autism in an educational setting. 

I work as a Teacher of Science, although my Degrees are in Physics, Maths and Natural Sciences, logic and global perspectives and a postgraduate in Autism. I am currently studying a masters in education looking specifically at autism and inequalities in education. 

I lecture and speak on Autism, and have appeared on the BBC's radio shows, in international Magazines and at council and university conferences. It is important that individuals such as myself (with a high-ability, low sociability condition such as in an Autism Spectrum Condition [ASC], speak on these platforms, partly to show solidarity with those that cannot, but also to ensure that research and modelling of students and young people with autism is always focused on them, rather than and external view of Autism as a 'pathology'. 


I will however speak a word of caution, I cannot - and will not - speak as though I know the thoughts of others or claim a response on their behalf. Autism is such a subjective and variable condition that to do so would be to undermine the agency of those that may not be able to articulate their own thoughts and feelings with such fervour and linguistic detail. 

Autism affects everyone differently, and this is part of the challenge and merit of those to whom this condition is a day-to-day experience; in living with, or supporting others. As such, this blog may only make a window into my world where perhaps you will find support and commonality, or you may find mechanisms that I use to be helpful. I do not however make the claim that these are the only solutions or experiences. 


I also may write about techniques that I have used (and some that I continue to use) to support individuals with Autism, some you may find works for one child, but not another. Autism is variable not only to the individual (and in some cases their diagnosis i.e Asperger's'), their development but also down to even the time of day, weather, or what they have eaten for lunch. 


In any case, I hope you subscribe via email at the base of the page, and that you find this site interesting! 

Thank you for reading, and happy cybersurfing, 


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